Tuesday, September 27, 2011
First step by step.
This is my first step by step? It's not very interesting but I wanted to give it a go!
I woke up today and showered and dried my hair, so it was clean...then I got bored fast and wanted it to be messy, so here are some simple steps to give it a messy look.
1. Here's me starting with straight, clean hair.
2. Spray with a scrunching spray. (I used Aussie's Sprunch - strong hold)
3. Then I started scrunching it.
4. Then I used a curling wand (Conair curling wand) and curled my hair away from my face towards the root.
5. I continue curling down a few inches, but now TOWARDS my face.
6. Then I curled away from my face when I got closer to the ends.
(Steps 4-6 give it a crimped look, and you can do this with any curling iron really)
7. Then I repeated steps 2 and 3!
8. I added a braid to give it a boho feel.
This is one of my favorite things to do when the rest of my makeup is dull.
9. Take red lipstick and dot it on my lips. (I used Revlon True Red)
10. Spread it with your finger across your lips, I didn't want it to be TOO dramatic.
11. Then take a pinker color (I used Rimmel Coral Shimmer)
12. Spread across the lips.
13. Take your favorite gloss (mine has a lot of gold in it)
14. Spread it across lips. (I used Estee Launder's Ginger -- my favorite!)
Then you're all done!
This look isn't super interesting, but I think it's a fun look. It has the messy and undone hair with the red lips for a cool contrast of looks.
I'll try to start doing more of these that are more interesting.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Today was lovely. It's been sooo beautiful outside, I sat in the quad for a little while working on some studying (which I have quite a bit of.) It's basically the most perfect weather anyone could ask for. I also tried a new little hairstyle out, new hairstyles are may favorite thing ever...so I decided to throw a fishtail braid and a smaller normal braid next to it, just to spice things up on a boring hair day. I wish my life was more interesting, but it's not. I'm going to be studying quite a bit these next few days that's all I know! So I'll leave on that note, and I may not be back on here for a little while just knowing how busy my schedule will be. But I will try!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Today, someone gave me a oragami swan that said "you are special" and it basically made my day! Kids are so cool in college. And thennnn, I decided to draw all over my nails with permanent makrer? It wasn't very interesting, but I may try to actually do something cool with my nails and Sharpies in the future? Who knows. This is such a great visual explanation of how unproductive my day was!
Though, found a new band...Best Coast! Beachy/alternative/cool shtuff.
And Frank Sinatra helps me when I study...so that's a pretty cool discovery.
Yep, that's it!
Though, found a new band...Best Coast! Beachy/alternative/cool shtuff.
And Frank Sinatra helps me when I study...so that's a pretty cool discovery.
Yep, that's it!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Homework! Tests! School! Oh my!
College has been great so far. But I realized how much I really had to do for this upcoming week. Two large exams next week and a 40 minute lecture speech. Fun times. Of course, I've started all my studying and speech making...but I'm so nervous... So I've found a little library spot. Which is perfect! I always do so much better with a little spot I can get away from facebook, and distractions, so I guess it's time to get to work!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Being a poor college student the last thing on my mind is clothes. But today, I received my belated birthday gift...a package full of Forever21 clothes. I was soooo excited. I sat and stared at everything for about 15 minutes. It was wonderful. I've decided to post some pictures!
There were a few other things, but these were by far my favorite items!
As far as the day/life goes...
Today at my Advertising & Public Relations meeting we were introduced to our first projects! We had 3 options: help the local radio station, help a downtown boutique, or help a theatre troupe. I decided to join the radio station committee and cannot wait to start making posters, and plan events for it! I'm already loving that club, it's definitely gotten me excited about my major!
As far as music goes, I'm obsessing over: Amy Winehouse, Adele, Corinne Bailey Rae, Etta James, and Duffy. I've always listened to all of them, but I put them on a playlist together and it's amazing. They inspire me so much, and give me so much confidence. Gotta love it! :)
Today at my Advertising & Public Relations meeting we were introduced to our first projects! We had 3 options: help the local radio station, help a downtown boutique, or help a theatre troupe. I decided to join the radio station committee and cannot wait to start making posters, and plan events for it! I'm already loving that club, it's definitely gotten me excited about my major!
As far as music goes, I'm obsessing over: Amy Winehouse, Adele, Corinne Bailey Rae, Etta James, and Duffy. I've always listened to all of them, but I put them on a playlist together and it's amazing. They inspire me so much, and give me so much confidence. Gotta love it! :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
LITERALLY nothing happened today.
Well. Besides homework...and going to classes...I didn't really do much. Me, Grace, and our friend Kristen ventured to the gym? Is that exciting? Probably not, but definitely numerous hot men there...we should definitely venture to the weight room more often.
I feel like this isn't a journal. But. Hey. I decided to take a break from my usual studying around 9 to creep on the Men's Club Soccer team, I was maybe going to creep on a certain someone? But hey, whatever. The most random of people seem to intrigue me. So that was fun. I just watched and set the Amy Winehouse station up on Pandora, and smiled. ...I love those moments. Music and soccer. Two things I'll always love. I need to start making them a more routine part of my schedule. That's all for now! :)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Productivity and Laughing
Quotes of the evening: (I have to document these things!)
Olivia: Can you hand me another slither?
Molly: ....you mean sliver??
Molly: It's okay, my family says slither.
Everyone: No you guys don't.
My personal fav...:
Me: I'm getting my Forever21 package on Wednesday!
Everyone: *gasps!* *sighs of happines!*
Molly:...omg I just had like an orgasm.
Haha. I love laughing. Laughing is my favorite thing ever, and I've laughed more here than I have in quite some time.
I'm definitely loving it. That's all for now though! :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Cheers to new friends!
Another weekend at Truman. I have to say it's been my favorite weekend so far. Hanging out with new friends and meeting new people beats high school any day.
Meeting some international students (the two in the middle photo) was also a blast. Hanging out with Frank and Marten yesterday evening was amazing, it's really cool to see how they like America, what's different, etc, etc. They're awesome people, and I'm glad I got to know them.
Meeting some international students (the two in the middle photo) was also a blast. Hanging out with Frank and Marten yesterday evening was amazing, it's really cool to see how they like America, what's different, etc, etc. They're awesome people, and I'm glad I got to know them.

This will be tough..
So I do not have a post from "yesterday" even though it is 2:22 AM and I am still awake. But I realized how tough it is to keep up with this on a day to day basis!
Today was pretty bland after a long night last night (stayed up until 6 AM...whoops!), but! I do have a picture from today's football game, hopefully that will suffice for this lame post?
Today was pretty bland after a long night last night (stayed up until 6 AM...whoops!), but! I do have a picture from today's football game, hopefully that will suffice for this lame post?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
New Obsessions!
These are my two of my obsessions of the day.
1. My new posters arrived in the mail today and I was so excited to put them up! It definitely adds some color to my cold, white dorm wall.
2. Me and my friend Megan walked to the downtown coffee shop, and I'm already in love. Not only did I have a delicious Frappe, but it definitely reminded me of my late night study sessions at the Starbucks/old French restaurant at home. I seem to study best when I'm in a coffee shop, so I'm sure I'll be seeing much more of it. Definitely my favorite spot I've found in Kirksville so far!
New song obsession =
My dad used to play this all the time. I'd keep my window open in the summer, and our backyard was covered in christmas lights, and candles, and tiki torches. Living in a wooded area, I always felt like I lived in a big treehouse. When he'd play his music outside I used to love when he'd put on a little Neil Young, and this is by far my favorite. I was reminded of it while browsing another blog, and instantly fell in love all over again.
Love the lyrics:
"When we were strangers
I watched you from afar
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart."
Love the lyrics:
"When we were strangers
I watched you from afar
When we were lovers
I loved you with all my heart."
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Whilst searching my usual blogs, especially my favorite (A Beautiful Mess), I came across Ruche. After looking through the blog I became instantly obsessed with this fashion boutique. Everything from their gorgeous models, (the one shown is my favorite), to their clothing, to their accessories, and even their website, I've found myself inspired. I can't wait until I can buy a piece from this line, as a poor college student I think I'll have to refrain for a bit :/ But through these next few weeks I'll definitely post my attempts to imitate these looks with the things I have.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A New Day
Truman State University. Initial thoughts? I think they're still initial right now. However, these first few weeks I started to wonder whether or not I'd find anything that resembled the me I found back home in Crystal Lake, Illinois. After a day of classes, meeting up with my new friend Megan on the right, and an art society meeting, I think my nervousness is slowly being eased.
Talking about music, clothes, books, other blogs, or (poster putting up parties -ha megan- ), I'm starting to find the hope that my artsy random friends aren't all sitting in my hometown. I'm getting excited about these next few weeks and have decided to attempt to document every day...probably a little unrealistic, but I can try.
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