Thursday, January 26, 2012

Italy and Language

I was doing my British literature homework and ironically we're reading a whole book by an Italian writer, it makes so much sense! But seriously.
I think I've officially decided that I'm going to HAVE to go to Italy through a study abroad program. I've been bouncing between Italy and Ireland for so long, but my friend from the Netherlands said Italy first, Ireland second. And all signs lead me to Italy!

But, I need to learn the language, desperately! And the thing is, I WANT to learn the language, unlike Spanish...blegh, just not a fan of it. But! Back to my reason for bringing up Brit Lit, the passage started with, "Our language falls far short of the
charms of the Italian, both for variety and harmony."

And it's funny that it's not just OUR language, but every language can fall short of this. We all live a different reality. We all refer to different things, and in unique ways. Americans probably have more words for cars than Eskimo Inuits do. As they have more words for snow. The reason our language falls short, in my opinion, is becaues I feel like we do not have the romantic, lively, beautiful (oh the list goes on in my mind) culture and environment that Italy does. So why have words to describe things like these? Well we don't, because there is no reason to.

Maybe I need to cut America some slack, but hey. The grass is always greener right?
Hopefully I can spend some time learning a bit on my own, and go from there.

Bella giornata....
have a lovely day :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Passion Encounters

So I've been pretty bad at keeping up with my inner social networking soul took over and splurged by adding myself to the Tumblr and Pinterest community.

I was obsessed with pictures for awhile there.
Not many people read this, because it has no point, but here are some passion updates.
Since being back at school, I've switched my major to Visual Communications (basically graphic design), and I'm minoring in Anthropology.
So I'm going to be the next millionare, NOT. It's cool though.

While sumberged in a college environment, where pressure is high, and expectations are higher, it's hard to keep focus on the things that make you passionate about life.

I've always known that I'm the type who has the potential to seriously feel so many different emotions, and I derive them from music, art, culture, relationships, books, etc. And I've told myself over and over that I should never take the path that I think I should take, I should take the path I want to take. So simple of a concept, so hard to follow through with.

I switched to VisComm last semester and decided to take up a minor in Anthropology, because the sticky note attached to the forefront of my brain read, "Becca. Stop majoring in something you hate. Stop thinking about minoring in something you hate. Enjoy your life, don't sacrifice the riches of passion for the riches of material." That's one long sticky note....anyway....
It's been a hard decision to make. But I'm so excited about my new classes, and the PEOPLE I am meeting. Above is a picture of the art studio, well a section of it at least. I met with a girl after class to work on a project, didn't know her at all.

We walked in, and she immediately asked about music, we started talking. We talked about culture, and studying abroad. We talked about infatuation with stupid guys, and she proceeded to whip out an article she read in Psychology Today about infatuation in general. We talked about books, and how everything makes us FEEL SOMETHING. It's crazy, but these are moments I savor.

(No offense to some fellow Communications majors out old major...) But I never met anyone like this as a Comm major! Find what suits you, meet those who intrigue you, hold on to those that inspire you.

I'm really aiming for a life full of enriching experiences. I'm signing up for a service sorority, and I'm hoping I get in (they randomly choose), I'm helping the local radio station make a poster for a masquerade rave, I'm helping my friends in my Advertising club make business cards, I'm signing up to be an Art Director at the magazine I work at, I'm meeting with a friend to start playing music, I'm making my own font in my Typography class, and the list goes on and on!

What I'm trying to say is that I've been afraid all my life. I've been afraid to pick a college that's too plain and boring, I've been afraid to dress differently, I've been afraid to switch majors, I've been afraid of so many things. And I've finally gained the strength to trudge through all this fear, because these moments I'm experiencing and the life I'm immersed in is what I'm going to carry with me, what I'm going to share. I hope I can keep this up. 

                                 I feel like that's what I just did to you, sorry. :)